so there are some extra items that we use in our diapering "system" that we've found helpful.
a wet bag: this is a reusable zippered bag that we use to store eli's dirty diapers when were out and about. i used to use a plastic bag but felt guilty/bad about throwing the bag away. we bought a wet bag from bummis and you can find it at any store that sells cloth diapers.
odor remover spray: bumgenius has a spray that naturally removes odors. we use this spray on his diaper covers between changes while they dry. it really helps to keep the urine smell at bay and stretches out how long we can use the diaper covers. we also will spray a little in the diaper pail to keep the smell at bay. also found at any cloth diaper store.
disposable liners: now that eli has solid poop, we use a disposable diaper liner that bummis has created (it's called the biosoft liners). this goes between eli's bum and the diaper, then we are able to throw it in the toilet and flush them away. no spraying or scraping needed. found at cloth diaper stores.
deodorizing disks: there are some deodorizing disks that are made by, well i'm not sure who. all i know is that they are natural and smell like citrus. we usually use one every two weeks and that really helps with any smells. this can also be used with diaper pails with disposable diapers.
baking soda: i sprinkle a tablespoon of baking soda every few diapers.
vaseline: we use it on his legs to help with the chafing.
i'm sure there are other extras but i don't remember them all right now. if and when i do i will post them later.
Thanks for the diaper information. Although it's not relevant to me, it did answer many of my questions. You know me - nosey Laura has to know about everything!