Monday, August 30, 2010

it's just better...

on saturday we were generously offered APT tickets for that night. did i mention they were free?

oh, and did i also mention that i LOVE APT. i mean seriously.

one hitch, we have a kid. and that means needing a babysitter.

arranging a sitter is hard on last minutes notice. we couldn't find one.

so we had to pass up that great offer. all of this occurred while eli was taking a nap so my grumpiness and resentment had a little time to stew. being a parent is hard in many ways. one thing is you can't drop everything that you're doing on a moments notice to fly off to a play in the woods. you can go to a play in the woods, you just need a little more time.

back to the afternoon. after his nap, eli was playing in the living room while i was figuring out what to make for dinner. i looked up and he was spinning around in a circle, stopping and clapping his hands. once he noticed i saw his little moves he broke into the biggest smile followed by the biggest giggle. it was possible the cutest thing i've ever seen. totally better than any play in the woods. i immediately put down my magazine and covered our little guy in kisses which led into more giggling and clapping.

sitting there i realized that this is better. better than our life pre-child, better than being single, better than being super rich, better than flying off to do something on a whim; it's just better.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, he is so cute. I could watch that video all day!
    I'm sorry you had to miss out on APT! But I'm glad that you have such a healthy outlook on life. We just had to turn down APT tickets too, but not for the same reason! Still, it was a bummer. I'm going to try to stop letting it be a bummer, though, and get my attitude up to snuff!
