Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Few Weeks in....

Well, we are approaching the two week mark into our new life as a family of three. We are starting to get pretty good at certain things and some things are not feeling as foreign. For example, changing diapers is getting a little better for us though I still haven't quite figured out how to not get peed on during a diaper change. We also are getting better at wrapping Eli's bum in a cloth diaper, we're hoping as we get better we'll have fewer and fewer leaks. There was one day where he went through two outfits in like 2 hours because we didn't wrap the diapers quite right. Needless to say, getting wet with urine makes you a little more vigilant when applying the next diaper!

Eli is growing fast it seems, he definitely is heavier than last week (we'll have our check up this week and we'll see how much he gained!) and he is starting to fill out some of the sleepers we have for him. He still isn't quite big enough for most of the bottoms we have for him but we try and make it work. It's crazy to look at him and see him grow seemingly before your eyes. It makes me want to cherish all the little moments now as he moves up in size and age.

One thing that I've appreciated during these two weeks is Joel. I'm not sure what I would do without him! He has fed me, held me when I'm crying for no reason (or when Eli is screaming and nothing seems to console him), he's made sure I take a nap each day, gave me time to myself at my favorite salon and so much more. This huge change has definitely brought us together more than I could have imagined and I'm not sure how people do it alone. So without boring you, I'll just say I have an awesome husband.

Well he's done feeding now (that's right I'm posting while breastfeeding, what else am I supposed to do!) and we're gonna go for a family walk and enjoy the last evening light.


  1. Wow, it sounds like you two are learning fast! I'll have to call you for a diaper tutorial when the time comes for a baby in our family! And I'll make sure Karl gets a husband tutorial from Joel, too. Sounds like he has it mastered.

  2. You know the amazing thing, after a couple years of getting peed on, changing clothes, cribs, beds, assess. "Is it too wet?" The answer is usually no. While it's true that the baby and you will both smell a little like urine, let's face it, the sour milk isn't that much better!
